What is the domain WHOis?
WHOis is pronounced "who is" and the WHOis lookup is a tool for searching the WHOis database. The WHOis database contains the contact information for every registered domain. This includes information such as when the domain will expire, who owns the domain and who looks after the domain. Registries require that this information is kept accurate and up-to-date.
To search the WHOis database, please enter the domain name in the form above.
WHOis Status Guide
- Status set by Registry. The domain can be modified by the Registrar and the domain can be renewed.
- Status set by Registry. If only 1 nameserver is listed, the Registry place the domain into an Inactive state and the domain will not resolve.
- Status set by Registry. The domain can be renewed but it cannot be deleted or modified by the Registrar. The Registry-Lock status must be removed for the Registrar to modify the domain name.
- Status set by sponsoring Registrar. The domain can be renewed but it cannot be deleted or modified. The Registrar-Lock status must be removed to modify the domain name.
- Status set by Registry. The domain can be renewed but it cannot be deleted or modified by the Registrar. The Registry-Hold status must must be removed for the Registrar to modify the domain name.
- Status set by sponsoring Registrar. The domain can be renewed but it cannot be deleted or modified. The Registrar-Hold status must be removed to modify the domain name.
- Status set by Registry when sponsoring Registrar requests deletion of the domain after 5 days of being registered. The domain can only be restored and cannot be modified. The domain name is held in this status for a maximum of 30 days and requests from other Registrars to modify or update the domain name duing this status will be rejected.
- Status set by Registry when sponsoring Registrar requests domain be restored. The domain cannot be modified. The Registry requires restoration documentation from the sponsoring Registrar within 7 days of Pendingrestore status, otherwise the domains will revert to Redemptionperiod status. If restoration documentation is provided, the domain status will update to Active.
- Status set by Registry when domain has been in Redemptionperiod status and restore has not been requested. The domain cannot be modified. 5 days after completion of the Redemption period, the domain name will be deleted from the Registry database.